My work is broadly interested in the film and media industries with a particular focus on the governance of these industries through regulatory bodies. But also in the marketing and branding of these industries from paratextual materials to stars as the embodiment of particular qualities, traits, concepts and ideologies. My first book Nasty Business was released in July of 2020 and is the first book to offer an industrial examination of the video nasties moral panic. Arising out of this same research is my second book, Snuff, which explores the cultural mythology of the snuff movie and was published in January 2022. Alongside these works I am the author of a number of chapters and articles that explore the media industries and the co-author of the edited collection of Horror Franchise Cinema, published by Routledge in 2021

Censorship and Regulation
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Marketing and Branding
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Film and Media Industries
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I would be interested in supervising PhD projects that consider any aspect of the media industries, but particularly those that have an interest in the governance and regulation or marketing and branding of those industries. Please get in touch if you would like to work with me.
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